In Reception this week....
We will be looking at 2D shapes - circle, triangle, square, rectangle, star. It is important that children are able to identify and correctly name these shapes in their environments so we will be going on some "shape hunts" in the classrooms. If you have cameras at home, a fun way of doing this is to encourage children to take photos of the different shapes they find around the house in order to compare the pictures afterwards, or even make collages of the pictures of different circles, triangle etc they found. (Please bring these into school if you do!).
Some shape songs we will be learning are;
Circle (tune of round and round garden like a teddy
Round and
round the circle (draw it on hand)
Draw one
in the air
look, find one
everywhere (children point to circles they see – e.g. clock)
Triangle (tune of 3 blind mice)
tri-an-gle (draw it in the air)
straight sides, three straight sides
It isn’t a
circle (draw circle in air), It isn’t a
square (draw square in the air)
You can
see triangles everywhere,
You can
even hear if you listen with care
A triangle
(play instrument - the triangle)
Square (tune Frere Jacques)
Find 4
corners, find 4 corners (Make L shape with finger
and thumb and trace the corner with other hand)
Sides the
same, sides the same (point 2 index fingers
vertical, then point them horizontal)
Put them
all together, put them all together (draw square in
the air)
my name, square’s my name (draw square in the air)
Can you
see me? Can you see me?
Hiding in
the classroom, hiding in the classroom,
there! Over there! (point to square shapes)
In literacy we will be learning the letters e, h, b, f and the tricky words I, go, no as well as practising our blending for reading using "sound buttons." When learning the letter e we will be decorating hard boiled eggs that the children can bring home.
Jayne Atkinson