Monday, 18 February 2013

Welcome back!

Welcome back everyone. I hope you had a good break!


We are continuing with Alliteration this week to consolidate our learning. Here are a couple more activities for you to try.

Sound box/bag
Collect some household objects and toys with names beginning with the same sound.
‘What have we got in our sound box today, sound box today, sound box today? ‘What have we got in our sound box today, shall we look and see?

Mirror play
Play at making faces and copying movements of the lips and tongue in front of the mirror with your child.
After you have warmed the muscles in your mouth up, start making sounds in the mirror and talk the way lips move, for example, when sounding out ‘p’ and ‘b’, the way that tongues poke out for ‘th’, the way teeth and lips touch for ‘f’ and the way lips shape the sounds ‘sh’ and ‘m’.


Our focus this week is on counting. We will be doing lots of practical activities involving counting out a small number of objects, extending to counting out up to 6 objects from a larger group. The children will also be comparing two groups of objects & recognizing when they have the same number in each group. So keep counting at home! The following website has some ideas:


This week's squiggle is all about Dinky Dodgem cars at the funfair. The foundation movement is meandering movements & looped lines. The meandering movements help the children to manage the many changes of direction from which handwriting emerges. Most letters & join-ups consist of round & rounded writing movements. Many children find this difficult & move round curves in an angular fashion. These krongelidong wriggles help to make letters nice & round. At home children can 'drive' a little car along a wriggly road drawn in chalk; sing transport songs, such as 'The Wheels on the Bus'; or run a car along their own body or somebody else' - fast, slow, with more or less pressure.


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