Sunday, 17 February 2013

Reception First Week Back

I hope you all had a lovely half term and are looking forward to coming back to school on Monday.This week in Reception we shall be learning the following......

Phonics Phase 3
We will be practising writing words for all the previous sounds we have learnt. The new sounds we will be learning this week are oo and ar.
**Remember that oo has 2 sounds; b-oo-k and s-oo-n. Children will be taught both sounds, when they apply this to their reading they will need to sound out unfamiliar words and apply both sounds. They will then need to work out which sound is correct by listening to which version of the word sounds 'right'. 
We will be practising the sounds these digraphs make, how to write them and also applying them to words. Please practise these at home with your child. See how many words they can make.
Along with the activity sheets we have been sending home your child will also be given a word list containing the new sound to practise reading and writing at home (as well as our general word lists on Mondays). When your child can confidently read the words see if they can spell the words.

Tricky word - this week we will be learning the tricky word YOU. Tricky words cannot be sounded out so we teach the children to recognise the word as it is. Please encourage your child to do this when reading. If they start to sound out the word please prompt them by saying "that's a tricky word we can't sound it out" Don't just correct them straight away, allow them to try and work it out themselves first.

This week we are carrying on with our ordering numbers 11-20. Practise this at home with your child. When they can confidently order 11-20, take away the first few numbers and order from a different starting point e.g. 13-19, 12-17. This will mean your child becomes confident dealing with numbers in any order. We will also be looking at missing numbers. At home you could try this by arranging numbers 11-20 and turning one or two over so the number is face down. Can your child tell you which number is missing? Can they write the number without needing to turn the card back over?

We are also looking at our + and = signs and solving number problems. The children still need a lot more practise at this before we move on to subtraction. If your child can confidently add any 2 numbers up to 10, extend this to look at numbers which add up to 20. You can then challenge them further by adding 3 single digit numbers together e.g. 3+2+1=?

**Remember to support them with objects if needed as numbers are an abstract concept. to children. So have the objects ready for the children to count e.g. 3+2=? Allow your child to count out 3 objects then count out 2 more and seperate the two piles. Now they can count how many they have altogether to find the answer.

Reading Books
We will be changing reading books on Monday so please make sure your child has read their book and you have written a comment in their reading diary detailing their progress, any words they have really struggled with, things they have done well with. This will help us to support your child further when we listen to them read in class.
When you have finished your reading book, always question your child's understanding of the story to ensure they have understood what they have read and not just decoded the words. Ask them questions such as how they think certain characters are feeling? Why do they think that? How would they feel if it happened to them? etc. Ask them to retell the story in their own words.

If your child is confident sounding out words whilst reading, start to encourage them to read known words and only sound out unfamiliar words. They could also start sounding out words in their head and saying the whole word out loud. If they are not ready to do this then continue to sound out each word and blend it back together, but then encourage them to re-read the whole sentence.

See you all Monday morning
Miss Atkinson

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