Now that the children are becoming competent at counting with one to one correspondence and counting out a number of objects we are able continuing with our work on counting by looking at more and less. There are lots of opportunities to compare groups of objects at home. Here are just a couple of ideas:
- building 2 towers, which has more/less?
- have we got enough spoons for everyone? Do we need some more?
- ask your child to take the bowl with more sweets, grapes, etc. & leave the bowl that has less.
Please carry on counting at home and try to use the vocabulary of comparison whenever you can!
one, lots, more, less, fewer
We are beginning to learn about voice sounds (Aspect 6 Letters and Sounds). Here are two activities which will support your child's learning at home.
Voice sounds
Show your child how they can make
sounds with their voices, for example:
Make your voice go down a slide – wheee!
Make your voice bounce like a ball – boing, boing
Sound really disappointed – oh
Hiss like a snake – ssssss
Keep everyone quiet – shshshsh
Gently moo like a cow – mmmoooo
Look astonished – oooooo!
Be a steam train – chchchchch
Buzz like a bumble bee – zzzzzzz
Be a clock – tick tock.
This can be extended by joining single
speech sounds into pairs (e.g. ee-aw like a donkey).
Target sounds
Give your child a target sound to put into a story when they hear a
particular word or character (e.g. make a ‘ch’ sound when they hear the word ‘train’
or woof when they hear the word dog).
Start with a single sound when they hear a target word, then try adding more. Remember to prompt and leave pauses in your reading to make it obvious
where the sounds are required.
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