Sunday, 20 January 2013

Reception Planning w/c 21/01/13

For those children who are doing Phase 3 phonics, we will be looking at the digraphs "ai" and "oa" We will be looking at the sound these digraphs make, how to write them and also applying this knowledge to enable us to write words that have these digraphs in e.g. rain, goat etc. When sounding out words like these we would say r-ai-n, g-oa-t etc. Please practise these at home with your children as well as the previous learnt digraphs; qu, sh, ch, th, ng. Keep reminding them that when we see these letters together they make new sounds - we dont try to sound them out as seperate letters such as "s-h" we would simply say "sh" This can be quite tricky at first and some children are struggling with this so the more help you can give at home to embed the learning the better. We are also going to start looking at capital letters and full stops when writing sentences so again please practise these at home. If your child does some independent work at home, please bring it in and share it with us. Or if you have taken a photo of their learning please email it to us. We would love to see it.

For those children who are doing Phase 2 phonics, we will continue to practise our blending and segmenting skills to help with reading and spelling. We will also practise our letter formation and our list of key words. Please practise these at home.

We have also been learning the names of the alphabet, which the children have enjoyed singing along to, the following is a video we have used in class, some of you may recognise the tune being played in my classroom :-) (this video is also useful for showing capital letters)
This week we are going to look at 3D shapes; cube, sphere, cylinder, cone, pyramid. To help children understand the difference between 2D and 3D you could use a balloon - when deflated it is "flat" like a 2D shape. But when we blow a balloon up it becomes "fat" like a 3D shape. A cube is like a square that has been "blown up" and made "fat".
We will be learning about the properties of the shapes e.g. how many faces, edges, corners does each shape have. What 2D shape are the faces on a cube, cylinder, cone, pyramid. You could have a look at home and see if you and your child can find any 3D shapes; football, tin of soup, dice, party hat etc. When out walking see if you can spot any 3D shapes in the environment and take some photos of them. You could also show them some images of the Egyptian Pyramids....

If your child has any building blocks at home you could talk about the different shapes and look at the properties of them. You could carry out an experiment to see which shapes will roll down a slope and which ones won't. You could also play the magic feely bag game, when you hide some shapes in a "magic bag" and you have to describe what you can feel, the other person must guess what shape is hidden inside. Using different shaped cardboard boxes/plastic containers, can you make a model using only one type of shape or use lots of different shapes. Talk about which shapes your child has used.
Children need to be able to talk about the size of different objects as well as explore the characteristics of everyday objects and shapes, using mathematical language to describe them.

The following is a video I found on youtube that we will be singing in school so you can practise at home too..... (maybe you could see if you can collect all the objects that it mentions)

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