Thursday, 3 January 2013

Reception planning for first week back

Happy New Year!!!!! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year.

Here is the planning for our first week back.

Those children that are moving onto Phase 3 Phonics will be learning new digraphs (two letters that make one sound). We will look at qu, ch, sh, th. Please practise writing these sounds and saying them at home, pointing them out in words when reading with your child, doing the actions and singing the song etc to help embed their learning. We are also practising writing some sentences using the sounds we know so far and the key/tricky words. You can practise this at home, perhaps using a picture to support learning and provide a context for the children's writing.

Those children that are in Phase 2 will be recapping all the sounds we have learnt so far in order to strengthen their knowledge and understanding of each individual letter sound. Please practise them all at home by sounding them out on their own, blending them with other sounds to read words, practise writing the letters and doing the actions/songs at home with your child. You can use (Phase 2) for some games to help with their learning and make it fun.

Please can everyone recap all their key/tricky words and also practise Lists 1-6 again. We will be handing out List 7 on Tuesday. We are also going to be learning some alphabet songs so the children can learn the names of the letters now that we have learnt all the sounds so please practise this at home as well. YouTube has some alternative versions of the "traditional" alphabet song if you feel like a change.

Here are the songs for all the Phase 3 digraphs we will be learning over the next few weeks....

In maths we will be concentrating on the numbers 11, 12, 13 in the first week back as there has been some confusion in the lead up to christmas with recognising and forming the "teen numbers." Please practise these at home. We will also be looking at counting out sets of objects and looking at 1 more and 1 less.
When your child is confident with this, you can move them on by allowing them to do it mentally. So ask them what is 1 more than 5? What is 1 less than 7 etc. Start with numbers up to 10 and at first they may want to use their fingers to help them. Once they are confident they can move onto numbers past 10.

Counting is so important, and finding an opportunity to count with your child will help them progress even more. Counting things you see, things you can touch, things you do. By doing this on a regular basis you will help strengthen their ability in mental maths.
When your child is confident counting forwards (up to 100?) you can start asking them to start from different numbers, turn this into a game. You can then practise counting backwards, counting in 2s, 5s, 10s until your child is confident with their mental maths.

The key is to Make It Fun.

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