Sunday, 26 January 2014

Whats on this week.....

This week in Early Years we will be continuing with our science theme. The children really enjoyed exploring their senses last week and will continue to do so throughout this week. We are setting up a Potion Lab outside, where the children will be mixing together all sorts of different smells. We would still really appreciate any donations of herbs and spices and anything smelly!! White shirts would also be great, so the children can really get into the scientist role. The children will also continue to experience the 'Dark Den' both inside and out. We have introduced stories for them to share using torch lights. We are trying to encourage the children to use a wider vocabulary when decribing textures, smells and sounds. You can help at home by introducing your children to interesting describing words such as, spiky, bumpy, stretchy, bendy, stinky, jingle etc. This week would like to children to either bring something in that is smelly or an interesting object that we can touch and feel. Please help us make the blog the really good, by sharing your comments below... Many Thanks The Foundation Team


  1. Sam really enjoyed Science week. Especially Nina and The Neurons. This has now prompted a trip to MOSI in the very near future. Thanks for a fab week..he has come home with lots to talk about.

  2. The blog is a brilliant idea. As a parent it is really good to know what is going on in class on a weekly basis. Sam loves the fact that I know what he is doing at school..and thinks that "its magic" that I know so much without being there with him during the day! its fantastic..I will definitely be saving the link to this page as one of "my favorites"..thank you :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you for your comments. I'm glad Sam enjoyed science week - we did too :0)

  5. I think the blogs are great too! Especialy when the reply to "what did you do at school today" is "erm just played" always helpful if i can ask "sooo science...pretty cool stuff... do you know anything new about ..." really getting to open the door on discusing topics and exploring them at home.
