Sunday, 15 December 2013

w.c. 16th December 2013

Well, what a week we had! The children looked amazing in our 'A Little Bird Told Me' production. Thank you so much for providing such fabulous costumes. Their singing was superb and well done to all children who had speaking parts. We are so proud of them as I am sure you are too.

This week is all about Christmas. We will be learning about what Christmas is and why we celebrate it? We will be finding out about Christmas celebrations in the past and how it is celebrated in other parts of the world. We will also be singing festive counting songs and action songs. We have our party on Wednesday afternoon and our theatre trip on Thursday morning so it will be another packed week!

Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Reception w.c. 9th December

Hello everyone!

Our rehearsals for the Christmas production have been going really well. We are very proud of all the children and can't wait to perform it on Thursday and Friday. The dress rehearsal is on Wednesday. Thank you all for organising the costumes - the children will look amazing!

With all the rehearsals taking up lots of time during the day, we have not had much time to set aside for readers. Please bear with us as we are doing our best. We appreciate that we haven't listened to the children read as often as we would like, or updated their bookmarks, and we thank you for your continued support at home.

In maths we will be learning about money this week. We will be sorting and naming coins, buying items, working out how many 1p coins are needed to pay for items and finding out how much two items cost. 

We look forward to seeing you all at the end of the week.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Reception w.c. 2.12.13


In maths this week we will be focusing on counting. We will continue our learning on one more and one less through finding missing numbers on a number track. We will be learning to count on from a given number - a very important skill to develop! We will be learning to recognise the size of a set through looking at regular patterns, such as on spotty dice or dominoes, and moving on to irregular patterns. This is called subitizing and is the skill of instantly seeing how many and there are some interesting articles online if you care to google. Here is one link to get you started. We will also be estimating small groups of objects.

You can help your child at home by playing dominoes and dice games.

Rehearsals for the Christmas performance are well under way and in phonics we are continuing to consolidate our blending for reading and segmenting for spelling skills.

See you tomorrow.