Hi everyone,
Apologies for the lack of posts over the last couple of weeks. I had some technical issues which I am hoping have now been resolved.
We are whizzing through the set 1 letters which is fantastic. Here are a couple of suggestions for how to help at home:
- after saying each letter sound in a word, always blend the sounds together immediately to read the word, e.g. c-a-t, cat or m-a-n, man.
- get your child to point to each letter as they say the sound, then run their finger underneath the word when they blend. They practice doing this in Word Time every day. Please do lots of modelling of this.
- please focus lots on comprehension - who is the main character? where does the story take place? what happens at the beginning/middle/end of the story?
Your support with reading is invaluable and we really appreciate it :-)
Over the last couple of weeks we have been learning about shape and measure. We have particularly been focusing on the language we can use to describe shape and measure.
Here are some examples:
straight, curved, bent, side, edge, corner, zig zag, tucked in, curled
small, tall, fat, thin, short, shorter, shortest, long, longer, longest, medium
This coming week we will be revisiting counting skills - counting accurately with one to one correspondence - and we will be investigation number problems - exploring how we can share out objects equally by adding one more to each group.
We have also been learning about Harvest and where our food comes from. When you are at the shops, talk with your children about where different food types come from. We have learnt lots of Harvest songs which we are looking forward to sharing with you on Wednesday.
Hope to see you all there!