This week we will recap the letter <i> & continue developing our oral segmenting skills.
Choose one of your child’s soft toy
with your child to name as Toy Talk. Use the soft toy and ask your child to
talk the toy in sound-talk, for example just before dinner time:
Let’s tell the toy what we eat our dinner with: eg a f-or-k
Let’s tell the toy what we drink out of:eg a c-u-p
Encourage scenarios which they could
tell the toy or let them give him instructions. Then model the sound-talk for
them to repeat. This is teaching them to segment words into their separate
sounds. They will soon start the segmenting themselves. Leave the sound-talk
toy freely available for them to practise and experiment with.
Say the sounds
When your child is used to hearing the toy say words in sound-talk
and blending the individual sounds to make words, you may like this game.
Choose some objects with three
sound/phoneme names that your child knows hide them in a box or bag. Let them
pick an object out, and then ask them to try to say the separate sounds in the
name of the object, just like the toy does (e.g. d-u-ck). Then blend the sounds
back together to make the word duck.
* New letter *
Next week we will be learning to recognise, write & say the sound for the letter <l>.
This week we will be continuing our learning of numbers, recognising & ordering numbers 1 to 5, then 1 to 9.
Understanding the World
We will be talking about seasons again & looking at Spring. Look at the natural environment with your child and talk about what happens at this time of the year.
We will also be looking at similarities and differences between different people, e.g comparing hair, eye or skin colour, height, etc. Talk to your child about some of the similarities and differences in relation to friends and family.