Friday, 21 December 2012

Merry Christmas

                                          Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night, animated gif of Santa Clause in his sleigh waving to you
Hope you all have a fabulous Christmas and a wonderful New Year. We have had a great first term with the children, worked hard and enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you for all your hard work and support at home, it is greatly appreciated. Now it's time for a well earned rest and we will see you in the New Year.
Miss Atkinson
(PS We will post the planning/useful websites/ideas to try at home etc after Xmas and New Year)

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Christmas in Reception

The countdown to Christmas begins....... 

There are lots of fun things planned for next week including the cinema coming to visit, making christmas cards and our Reception Party :-)
(We will still be doing phonics and numeracy sessions as well)

Last week we started writing some simple sentences using some of the key/tricky words we have learnt;
"the sun is hot" "the ink is wet" "the bus is red"
We have been concentrating on leaving spaces between our words to make them easier to read, and also learning that we write from left to right and when we reach the end of our board/paper we must start again underneath on the next line going left to right again.
Don't worry about capital letters or full stops at this stage, we will be looking at these in the New Year. If you would like to practise this at home make sure you include CVC words. There are some examples of these words on your Lists 1-5. We will be carrying on with these this week.

We have been looking at the + and = signs and using them to write number sentences. We have been using the book "Father Christmas Needs A Wee" to complement these activities. In the book Father Christmas visits different houses and drinks different amounts of drinks before he becomes desperate for the loo. In class we have 2 houses that Father Christmas visits and drinks at, the children must add all the drinks together to work out how many he had altogether, we then write a number sentence to represent this, e.g. in the first house he drinks 3 cups of tea and in the second house he drinks 4 hot chocolates. Then Father Christmas realises he needs a wee. How many drinks did he have? Children count out 3 objects and 4 objects then count them altogether, writing the number sentence 3 + 4 = 7
Using a book can help to make learning real for the children and also makes it more fun. Have a look if you have any books at home that you could use to recreate a counting activity and bring learning to life.


Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Shine Star Shine!

A massive WELL DONE to reception and nursery for their performance today in the Christmas Show. They all did brilliantly and we are very proud of them. The costumes looked great on stage so thank you for helping with your child's outfit, it is much appreciated!


The blog is now secure.....

I have now set up the blog so it is a readers only site - if you have passed you email on to me then you should be able to log in and view the blog - leave a comment and let me know!!

Mrs Foster

Sunday, 2 December 2012


In maths last week we learnt the numbers 6 and 8. These are really tricky numbers to form but the children made a great attempt. Please practise at home! 

In Phonics we will be continuing with Body Percussion. Here are some more ideas for you to do at home with your children:

Action songs
Singing songs and action rhymes is a really important part of your child’s development. This can be made a fun  experience by adding multi-sensory experiences such as action songs in which your child has to add claps, knee pats and foot stamps or move in a particular way.
·If your happy and you know it
·Wind the bobbin up
·I’m a little tea pot
·Incy Wincy Spider

Roly poly
This is a rhyme with actions
(Rolling hand over hand as in the song ‘wind the bobbin up’).
(you can increase the speed of your action as you increase the speed of the rhyme)
You could add in new verses, such as:
stamp…your feet faster.
Say hello ever so quietly
Say hello louder!

Look listen and note how well your child can:
   join in with words an actions to familiar songs
  copy sounds and actions and make up patterns of sounds

Rehearsals are under way for our Christmas play. I am sure you will have heard your children singing the songs at home!